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About Us

Learn what makes AJ unique!
Welcome to Adath Jeshurun!  AJ provides a full range of worship opportunities: Shabbat, High Holy Day services, Festival services, and a daily morning and evening minyan.  We are proud to house Louisville’s Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning, and have equipment available to assist those who are hearing-impaired.  Childcare is available for children ages six weeks through six years during Shabbat services and special events by reservation.  Our award-winning AJ Preschool continues educating young children across the community.  A spectacular multi-million-dollar building renovation was completed in 2013, and the entire building offers Wi-Fi capability.
Shabbat at Adath Jeshurun is a spiritually uplifting time. We offer beautiful Friday evening Kabbalat Shabbat Services, followed by a monthly "Shabbat-Luck" dinner.  This dairy potluck meal provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Shabbat with family and friends. Saturday morning services are egalitarian and include many opportunities for participation by our members and guests.  Following services, a delicious catered Kiddush lunch is provided, which is followed once a month by a guest "Shabbat Scholar" to lead a discussion on a current topic of interest. 
AJ Preschool
The fabulous Adath Jeshurun Preschool was founded in 1953, and is licensed by the Kentucky Cabinet for Human Resources.  The preschool accepts children from all ethnic, religious, and racial backgrounds – ages six weeks through pre-kindergarten.  A trained, highly skilled, nurturing staff treats each child with love, care, and respect. The school provides a safe, loving environment in which children can grow intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
Youth Education
Adath Jeshurun participates in a combined Religious School/Hebrew School program for students in kindergarten through grade eight in conjunction with Keneseth Israel and Temple Shalom.  The school is known as “LBSY,” which stands for Louisville Beit Sefer Yachad. Jeshurun’s high school students are educated in the Community High School of Jewish Studies.  Additionally, the synagogue provides family education programs and bar/bat mitzvah training.
Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning
Louisville's Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning is sponsored by Adath Jeshurun in collaboration with the JCC of Louisville and local synagogues.  The Melton school promotes Jewish cultural literacy through a Core Curriculum in an open, pluralistic, egalitarian, and stimulating environment. Students come from Reform, Conservative, Orthodox, and unaffiliated backgrounds.
Interfaith Families
A very important component of our synagogue is our commitment to “Keruv” or outreach. Interfaith families are welcome at Adath Jeshurun, and are accepted and embraced as part of the AJ family.  
Adath Jeshurun is a place for everyone.  
Tikkun Olam projects include participation in JFCS food drives, Brown Bag Blessings, programs to feed homeless people, Habitat for Humanity participation, as well as collections of items to assist needy members of the Louisville community.
Community Bikkur Cholim
Community Bikkur Cholim (visiting the sick) is an ongoing program at Adath Jeshurun.   Congregational volunteers visit Jewish patients from all congregations at Jewish and Baptist East Hospitals on Friday afternoons.  They bring challah, wine, and grape juice, along with a warm Shabbat greeting. Additionally, both the Rabbi and Cantor make regular hospital and nursing home visits, often bringing gifts created by AJ members.
Social Gatherings
The Congregation sponsors a broad array of social events including young family get-togethers, film-showings, plays, museum tours, dinners, craft days, baking days, Israel trips, congregational cruises, and more.
Communicating with our Congregants
Communications at AJ are handled using a variety of electronic means.  AJ’s state-of-the-art website was newly-designed in 2020, and is updated frequently.  Our website contains a wealth of information about AJ events, services, classes, holidays, and more.  In addition to our website, AJ members receive a weekly emailed newsletter as well as Facebook updates. The entire building offers Wi-Fi capability.
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Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784