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January 2025

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Laura and Leon Joyce (Jan. 23) - 15th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Hans Bensinger

Mazal Tov!

Mazal tov to Jeffrey Greenberg on the birth of twin grandchildren, Oliver and Skyler.

December 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Steve & Gerry Evans (Dec. 7) - 66th

Stephen & Frances Balf (Dec. 10) - 35th

Sam & Marlene Gordon (Dec. 15) - 61st

Stephen & Sharon Berger (Dec. 25) - 55th

Allen & Gale Katcher (Dec. 25) - 63rd

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Bette Globus Goodman, sister of William Sabes

Gilda Halpern

Mazal Tov!

Congratulations to Larry and Melinda Snyder on the birth of their granddaughter, Annie Louise Mazzone. 

November 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

David & Barbara Gordon (Nov. 1) - 65th

Sandra & John Harrison (Nov. 4) - 35th

Juan & Maritza Reffreger (Nov. 4) - 15th

Frank & Barbara Weisberg (Nov. 23) - 50th

Irv & Mindy Jaffe (Nov. 25) - 45th

Elliott & Marcy Rosengarten (Nov. 25) - 40th

Howard & Barbie Evans (Nov. 27) - 30th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)


Mazal Tov!

Aaron Gregory Shaw, son of Aaron and Greg Shaw, was called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah on Saturday, November 9th. 


Zoe Lila Bailen, daughter of Caren & Michael Bailen, was called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzah on Saturday, November 16th. Zoe is the granddaughter of Sandy and Jim Bailen, and the late Betty and David Carney. She is also the great-granddaughter of the late Shirley Bailen.

Jude Irvine Tasman, son of Abby and Barrett Tasman, was called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, November 23rd at 10 a.m. Jude is the grandson of Marda and Ronnie Tasman, James Blickle, and Gretchen Blickle of blessed memory. He is also the great-grandson of Martha Frockt.

October 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Zachary Wasserman & Jill Golden 
(October 18) - 10th

Robin & Bruce Silverman (October 22) - 40th

Jeffrey & Bari Calderon (October 23) - 25th

Greg & Laura Gitter (October 24) - 25th

William & Dora Esakov (October 28) - 45th

William & Evelyn Sabes (Octobr 28) - 73rd

Hope & Richard Trebilcock (October 30) - 25th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Dr. Melvyn Koby

Mazal Tov!

Ryan Lincoln Wachsman, son of Sean & Melanie Wachsman was called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on October 19, 2024 at 10:00 a.m.

Ryan is the brother of Hayley Wachsman, and the grandson of Jeff & Sheila Wachsman and Marc & Renee Wolkoff.

Thank you to our wonderful High Holy Days volunteers!

We are so grateful for the many volunteers who pitched in to make the High Holy Days a success. Todah rabah!

Sarah Baron
Ellana Bessen
Richard Davidoff
Neil Davidoff
Linda Engel
Rhoda Faller
Cybil Flora
Kelly Fox
Madison Fox
Peyton Fox
Kelly Fox
Dorothy Galatz
Mark Geller

Felissa Goldstein
Frankye Gordon
Doug Gordon
Helene Gordon
Mitch Greenfield
Larry Grossman
Rita Hight
Janet Hodes
Lori Hubscher
Barb Isaacs Hymson
Margaret Jamner
Frank Kasdan
Meryl Kasdan
Nikki King
Howard Klein
Doug Lamb
Jonathan Lippman
Craig Lustig

Melissa Monsky
Robyn Newstadt
Mark Newstadt 
Crystal Peters
Marcy Rosengarten
Elliott Rosengarten
Armand Rothschild
Felice Sachs
Eva Schiller
Brian Schulman
Frank Schwartz
Aaron Shaw
Amy Shir
Joseph Sinski
Larry Snyder
Elaine Stauble
Carol Zegart
Arnold Zegart

September 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Craig & Joanie Lustig (September 3) - 35th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)


Mazal Tov!

Shai Sarah Bornstein, daughter of Michelle Bornstein and Leonard Temes, was called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, September 14, 2024. Shai is the granddaughter of Marsha and Eddie Bornstein and Sandra and Marvin Temes.

Linda Engel was called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Monday, September 2, 2024.


August 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Charles & Karen Lipschutz (August 3) - 55th

Edward & Beth Adler (August 4) - 50th

Michael & Sharon Kleinman (August 5) - 45th

Sami & Thom George (August 7) - 25th

Howard & Lisa Kaplin (August 8) - 25th

Michael & Phyllis Shaikun (August 23) - 60th

Abraham & Harriet Rolnick (August 30) - 65th

Stephan & Helen Sweitzer (August 30) - 55th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Mazal Tov!


July 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Michael & Julie Sabes (July 1) - 40th

Ashley & Andrew Epstein (July 6) - 5th

Bob & Margie Kohn (July 15) - 62nd

Mona & Jay Brodsky (July 23) - 35th

Sherry & Jay Kaufman (July 27) - 55th

Guy & Nancyanne Lerner (July 30) - 30th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Udell B. Levy, husband of Sheila Levy, father of Tyler Levy and son of Dolores Levy on July 1, 2024.

Irwin "Gil" Levitch, husband of Sue Levitch, father of Paul Levitch, Debby Levitch, Pam Schwab, and Karen DeJarnette on July 24, 2024.

Mazal Tov!


June 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Joel & Charlotte Gittelson (June 14) - 60th

Darren & Jana Levitz (June 15) - 1st

Jonathan & Janet Hodes (June 18) - 35th

Paul & Herlene Margulis (June 27) - 30th

David & Kathleen Miles (June 29) - 5th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Reva Brandin, sister of Madilyn Guss

Carol Lester Israel Morrison, mother of Julie Sabes


Mazal Tov!

Brayden Jesse Snyder, son of Charisse Levine Snyder and Bruce Snyder, brother to Sage Hallie, will be called to the Torah as a bar mitzvah at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 8, 2024. Brayden is the grandson of Allan Levine and the late Rhoda Levine, and the late Phyllis and Alfred Snyder.

A seventh grader at Meyzeek Middle, Brayden is captain of the JV Quick Recall team and a member of Meyzeek’s award-winning Academic team. Brayden competed this spring in the National Academic Quiz Bowl Tournament. He is a repeat medal winner in social studies assessment in his school district. When Brayden isn’t studying history and geography, he loves playing baseball. Brayden plays on three teams, competing on Meyzeek’s JV team, the Lyndon Lightning, and the Tigers rec ball team. Brayden is also an accomplished trumpet player in his school band. For his mitzvah project, he collected and donated blankets to Blanket Louisville to help those homeless in our community.

Mazal Tov to Award Winners from AJ!

The Federation and the Trager Family JCC will hold its 2024 Annual Meeting on Tuesday, June 25 at the Trager Family JCC’s Shapira Foundation Auditorium. Join the Jewish Federation and the Trager Family JCC as we elect our officers and new board members, as well as recognize and celebrate our award winners. The evening begins with cocktails at 5:30 p.m., followed by the meeting and awards ceremony at 6 p.m. RSVP to Adam Cohen at 502-238-2722 or email 

Congratulations to the following AJ members who have been selected to receive awards at the meeting:

Blanche B. Ottenheimer Award - Marcia Roth
Ronald & Marie Abrams Volunteer of the Year Award - Jon Klein

And congratulations to three AJ b'nei mitzvah alumni, too:

Lewis W Cole Memorial Young Leadership Award – Greg Moore
Ellen Faye Garmon Award - Rachel Berdichevsky (co-winner)
The Stacy Marks Nisenbaum Award - Ryan Shaps (co-winner)


May 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Jonathan & Rebecca Cohen (May 15) - 25th

Charles & Lori Hubscher (May 22) - 30th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Dr. Gary Fox, father of Traci Fox and Gregg Fox

Ronald D. Facktor, husband of Pat Facktor

Elaine Koby Stern, wife of Donald Stern, mother of Susan Kersey and sister of Dr. Melvyn Koby

Mazal Tov!

Mazal Tov to Joanie & Craig Lustig (grandparents) and Margie & Bob Kohn (great-grandparents) on the birth of Gemma Ruth Lustig, daughter of Jonathan & Claire Lustig, on April 16.

Mazal Tov to Andrea Olinger & Jonathan Lippman on the birth of their son, Emerson Isaac Olinger-Lippman on May 9.


Adath Jeshurun Confirmation 2024

Adath Jeshurun is pleased to announce that Richard Davidoff and Stella Serchuk will be marking their Confirmation at AJ during the Shabbat service on Saturday, May 18, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Richard is the son of Dr. Felissa Goldstein and Neil Davidoff. Stella is the daughter of Randi Skaggs and David Serchuk. Adath Jeshurun is very proud of these two students.

Richard Davidoff is a Sophomore at Ballard High School. He is active in the Educators Rising Group and won first place in their Public Speaking Competition for the Commonwealth of Kentucky and will be going to Washington DC in June to compete in their  National Competition  He has a love for history. and enjoyed working with a  kindergartner  on his reading this year.  During his free time he loves doing Karate and is currently a green belt with a stripe. He also enjoys  light Sabre training. He is currently Life Rank and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader  in Boy Scouts Troop 30 and working towards his Eagle Scout. He was also elected by his peers into the Order of the Arrow and is their Digital Media Chairman.  His love of the outdoors and Judaism began at Camp Livingston which he has attended annually  since 3rd grade. 

Stella Serchuk is a 10th grader at Atherton High School. She is in the Media Arts Pathway at school, and loves horseback riding, reading, and cats.

April 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

William & Jackie Rubin (April 14) - 45th

Welcome New AJ Members!

John & Debbie Guest

Mazal Tov!
On Saturday, April 13, the Congregation celebrated the Bat Mitzvah of Amari Cohen, daughter of Jonathan & Rebecca Cohen. Mazal tov, Amari!

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Julius Loeser, father of Frances Balf, on April 1

Helen Claire Rosengarten, mother of Elliott Rosengarten, on April 2

March 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Jasmine Farrier & Daniel Frockt (March 7) - 25th

Judith & Dennis Hummel (March 30) - 55th

Helane & David Cooper (March 31) - 45th

Welcome New AJ Members!

John & Debbie Guest


In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Bernard David Hyman, on March 6

February 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Janet & Alan Levitan (Feb. 1) - 55th

Rabbi Laura Metzger & Cantor David Lipp (Feb. 20) - 30th

Welcome New AJ Members!

Shelly Weizman & John Broderick, and their children Jacob & Samuel

Helene Gordon


In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Dr. Ruth B. Greenberg, wife of Ronald Greenberg, mother of Craig Greenberg & Jennifer Tuvlin, on February 1

Hymie Osie, father of Robyn Newstadt, on February 13

January 2024

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Ruth Gastel Polur, mother of George Polur, on December 27

Mazal tov!

Mazal tov to Rabbi Robert & Deborah Slosberg on the birth of their grandson, Henry Romeo Slosberg, son of Jeremy and Emily Slosberg, born December 30, 2023.

December 2023

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Ruth & Ronald Greenberg (Dec. 6) - 20th

Gerry & Steve Evans (Dec. 7) - 65th

Marlene & Sam Gordon (Dec. 15) - 60th

Susan & Jeff Callen (Dec. 21) - 55th

Marcia & Ed Segal (Dec. 23) - 61st

Gale & Allen Katcher (Dec. 25) - 62nd

Susan & William Yarmuth (Dec. 31) - 10th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Michael Israel, brother of Julie Sabes, on November 29

Shirley Jean Kozlove, former member, on December 10

November 2023

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Barbara & David Gordon (Nov. 1) - 64th

Elaine & Don Stern (Nov. 23) - 69th

Suzanne & Jerry Wolff (Nov. 24) - 1st

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Syrl Charn, mother of Michael Kleinman, on October 29

Rhoda Levine, mother of Charisse Snyder, on October 24

Mazal Tov, Jimmie Strull!

Congratulations to N. James Strull DMD on being named the 2023 School of Dentistry Alumni Fellow by Louisville Alumni. The University of Louisville Alumni Awards are the highest honor bestowed by Louisville Alumni. These awards recognize distinguished graduates who are exemplary ambassadors for the university and their college or school. Recipients reflect the high standing and character of their alma mater.

October 2023

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Diana and William Schmied (Oct. 2) - 30th

Michelle Jones & Belinda Setters (Oct. 6) - 10th

Mona & Frank Schramko (Oct. 18) - 25th

Cheryl & Larry Hughett (Oct. 19) - 50th

Sally & Al Wax (Oct. 20) - 55th

Lori & Steve Samuel (Oct. 20) - 5th

Patty & Doug Lamb (Oct. 23) - 45th

Evelyn & William Sabes (Oct. 28) - 72nd

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

David Friedman, husband of Roz Friedman

Larry S. Weinberg 

Mazal Tov!
On Saturday, October 14, the Congregation celebrated the Bar Mitzvah of Christian Lee, son of Calvin Lee. Christian is a freshman at Clarksville High School where he is a straight A honor roll student. Christian is the varsity quarterback for the football team, plays basketball, and does track and field. In addition to enjoying sports, his hobbies are exercise and physical fitness. Mazal tov, Christian!

CONGRATULATIONS to Jerry Steinberg, 2023 WLKY Bell Award Recipient!

From Leslye Dicken: I couldn’t be prouder of my husband, Jerry Steinberg, for being selected as a recipient of the 2023 WLKY Bell Award!! The WLKY Bell Award is given annually to only ten adults and two youth honorees who have demonstrated the true “Spirit of Louisville” through volunteerism and seeks to inspire all residents to engage in community service. This event, televised live Thursday, October 5, 2023, is the premier volunteer recognition in Metro Louisville, given to those select people for their contribution of time, talent, and treasure to make our community a better place to live, work and play. Republic Bank, in honor of each recipient, will make a $500 donation to their favorite charity. A special thank you to Gilda’s Club Kentuckiana for nominating Jerry and to other special people who added letters of recommendation. It truly touches both of our hearts!

Thank You to our High Holy Days Volunteers and Staff!

AJ Clergy
Cantor David Lipp, Rabbi Laura Metzger, Rabbi Steve Bayar, and Rabbi Robert Slosberg (for assisting new staff)

AJ Staff
Barb Embry, Jennifer Procita, Scheri Mullins, Debbie Whitlock

AJ Choir
Gill Diamond, Rita Hight, Doug Lamb, Crystal Peters, Eva Schiller, Amy Shir, Joseph Sinski, Elaine Stauble, Brenda Weeks, Arnold Zegart

Cemetery Service
Bruce Haskell

College Connection Chair
Lori Hubscher

High Holy Days Appeal Card Collectors
Kelly Fox, Madison Fox, Peyton Fox, Larry Grossman

High Holy Days Project Manager
Melissa Monsky

High Holy Day Sitter Service
Barb Bennett, Michelle McCarty, Karen Carroll

Livestreaming Chair 
Mitch Greenfield 

Mahzor Loan Volunteers
Kelly Fox, Nikki King

Office and Facility Volunteers
Rhoda Faller, Lori Hubscher, Alexis Clayton Shaw, Carol Zegart

Rap and Reflect Leader
Bruce Tasch

Selichot Participants
LaToya Whitlock (The Decode Project), Karen Williams and Carissa Jury  (CLOUT)

Ushers and Usher Chair
Larry Grossman, Chair
Sarah Baron, Shannon Benovitz, Ellana Bessen, Bruce Blue, Susan Eichenberger, Linda Engel, Andrew Epstein, Jeff Evans, Cybil Flora, Kelly Fox, David Fuchs, Mark Geller, Felissa Goldstein, Steve Goldstein, Doug Gordon, Sandy Harrison, Rita Hight, Charles Hubscher, Lori Hubscher, Margaret Jamner, Frank Kasdan, Nikki King, Jeff Klein, Howard Klein, Jonathan Lippman, Craig Lustig, Sheila Lynch, Melissa Monsky, Elliott Rosengarten, Marcy Rosengarten, Armand Rothschild, Frank Schwartz, Rick Shuster, Larry Snyder, Elaine Stauble


A special thanks to all the Daveners, Torah and Haftarah readers, all who were able to accept an honor and Pulpit Officers who served over the High Holy Days. 

September 2023

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Sandra and Barry Stoler (Sept. 7) - 25th

Mina & Gerald Tasman (Sept. 8) - 55th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Barbara Pass, wife of Myron Pass

Elaine Bornstein, mother of James Bornstein and Lynn Callif, sister of Judy Greenberg

Laura Melon, wife of Larry Wasser

August 2023

We celebrate together ... we mourn together.

Happy Anniversary!

Sara & Howard Wagner (Aug. 7) - 35th

Phyllis & James Fine (Aug. 12) - 50th

Phyllis & David Leibson (Aug. 18) - 55th

Kathy & Paul Rosenberg (Aug. 21) - 40th

Rachel & Buddy Goldberg (Aug. 22) - 55th

Harriet & Abraham Rolnick (Aug. 30) - 64th

In Loving Memory
(For full information, click on the name and read the obituary.)

Patricia Baron, Wife of Norton Baron

Arnold Belker, Husband of Terry Belker


A Note from Frank & Meryl Kasdan

At this time, we wish to express our most heartfelt thanks to our AJ family for all of their support, warmth, and love as we grieve the loss of our beloved son, Arthur.

During these past few weeks, it has felt as if a huge hug was wrapping its arms around us -- comforting, healing, and leaving an imprint on our hearts forever.

(August 28, 2023)

June & July 2023

We celebrate together ... we mourn together. This edition of the AJ Family News covers June & July 2023. To share good news or to remember a loved one, contact us here. AJ members are designated in blue below.


Kol HaKavod to our very own Kendall Gellar on being named a Meyer-Gottesman Kol Koleinu Teen Feminist Fellow by Moving Traditions this year! Kol Koleinu is a distinctive opportunity for young Jewish feminists to learn how to effectively speak their minds and create the change they want to see in the world. The competitive application process requires a great deal of thought and insight. We are inspired by Kendall’s passion to speak her mind and make the world a better place. See the full list of 2023-2024 fellows:

Kendall is the daughter of Mark & Tracy Geller.

In Celebration and In Memoriam

Welcome New Members!

Barry Alberts

Rachel Rosenfeld

Jennifer Weiner

Lots of Grandbabies!

Leah Rose Treinish
Leslye Dicken & Jerry Steinberg, grandparents

Charlie Elizabeth Rosengarten
Marcy & Elliott Rosengarten, grandparents

Otis John Vincent Grossman
Larry Grossman, grandparent

In Loving Memory

Arthur David Kasdan
Son of Meryl & Frank Kasdan

Fri, January 24 2025 24 Tevet 5785