How are my contributions used?
Adath Jeshurun is very grateful for the many contributions made to our endowed funds, which have been generously established by AJ families for the benefit of our shul. Below is a listing of our endowed funds with the established purpose of each fund. To donate to any of these funds, click here or contact the AJ Office at 502-458-5359.
Abe & Ruth Rosenstein Cemetery Beautification Fund
Permanent cemetery beautification such as benches, trees, and shrubs
Arnold Jay Levin Simcha Fund
Certificates and books for life-cycle events
David & Betty Hanover Carney Mahzor Fund
High Holy Day mahzorim for congregational use
Blue Family Fund
Maintaining Blue Rose Garden, Blue Sanctuary & Blue Dairy Kitchen
Cari E. Kleinman For the Children Fund
Assistance for children
Celia Simon Israel Scholarship Fund
Scholarships for semesters in Israel for teens
Chester B. & Vivian Slosberg Memorial Sukkah Fund
Maintenance and decorations for sukkah
Deborah Slosberg Melton Travel Scholarship Fund
Financial assistance for participants to attend Melton Travel Seminars
Dorothy & Henry Goldstein Gemilut Hasadim Fund
Assistance for those who need temporary help with basic living expenses
Dorothy Levy Memorial Retreat Speaker Fund
Speakers for synagogue programs
Edna Yarmuth Melton Scholarship Fund
Supports the Louisville Melton program and Melton Seminars
Harold & Frankye Klein Gordon Event Fund
Provide reduced fees at events to make them more affordable
Harry & Annette Geller Family Chumash Fund
Chumashim for congregational use
Jerome & Ruth Kasdan Young Leadership Fund
Financial assistance for Jewish leadership and educational programs
Jodi Feld Lapin Fund
Educational programs
Julie Olson Shabbat Scholar Fund
Shabbat Scholar program
Julius L. Kozlove Tikkun Olam Fund
Booklets and materials for hospitalized AJ members
Justin G. Mark Memorial Children’s Lounge Fund
Maintenance and equipment for Children’s Lounge
Kohn-Berman Anniversary Flower Fund
Flowers delivered to congregants for special anniversaries
Lillian & Morris Borowitz Scholarship Fund
Religious School scholarships
Melvin & Shellie Benovitz Library Fund
Upkeep of Benovitz Library
Millie Edelstein Candlestick Fund
Candlesticks for bat mitzvah students
Miriam Blue & Phyllis Adams Kitchen Fund
Maintaining kitchens and providing food service
Phyllis & Michael Shaikun Tikkun Olam Fund
Assistance for persons or organizations in need
Phyllis L. & Stanley J. Bordorf Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund
Camp Ramah scholarships
Rabbi Robert B. Slosberg Minyan Fund
Minyan expenses
Rabbi Simcha Kling Education Fund
Educational programs
Rebecca & Barnet Linker Kiddush Cup Fund
Kiddush cups for b’nai mitzvah students
Renee & John Rothschild Siddur Fund
Replenish/replace Siddur Lev Shalem for Shabbat & Festivals
Robin Silverman Renovation Fund
Enhancements and future renovations to the building
Rothschild Educational Assistance Fund
Financial assistance to b’nai mitzvah students
Sally Younger & Peter Pearlman Chesed Fund
Assistance for those in need
Samuel A. Stern Torah Fund
Protection, repair, & maintenance of AJ’s Torahs
Selina Altman Memorial Lecture Fund
Lecture series
Sisterhood Past Presidents Endowment Fund
AJ kitchen upkeep & other congregational needs
Stephen J. & Gerry Evans Family Misheberakh Fund
Synagogue operating expenses
Stuart A. Handmaker L’dor Vador Fund
Intergenerational Jewish programming
Yandell & Ruth O’Koon B’nai Mitzvah Chumash Fund
Chumashim for b’nai mitzvah students