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Welcome from the Board of Trustees

A Welcome from the Synagogue President

Welcome to the Adath Jeshurun website! As you explore the website, you will discover many of our synagogue offerings. Our congregation has been a part of the Louisville Jewish community for over 150 years, and has been at the current location in the Highlands for over 60 years.
There are many ways to get involved by volunteering at AJ. Among these opportunities are baking for special events, participating in worship services, or organizing an event that showcases your interests. You will find that participating fully in congregational life can be an enriching personal and spiritual experience.
Adath Jeshurun has been a part of my life for many years. During that time, we have prayed, played, learned, mourned, and grown together. As you become more involved in congregational life, I believe you too will find that we live up to our motto, “Open Doors, Open Hearts, Open Minds”.
Cybil Flora
President of the Board of Trustees
Below are the AJ Officers for 2022 – 2023:
President..............................................Cybil Flora
Vice President.........................Shannon Benovitz
Vice President...........................Felissa Goldstein
Vice President................................Douglas Lamb
Secretary............................................Lizzie Cohen
Treasurer................................Armand Rothschild
Assistant Treasurer..............................Joel Lerner
Cemetery Warden............................Frank Kasdan
Assistant Cemetery Warden..........Bruce Haskell
Thu, September 12 2024 9 Elul 5784