Tikkun Ley'l Shavuot
Tuesday, June 11, 2024 • 5 Sivan 5784
6:00 PM - 11:59 PMYou are invited to Adath Jeshurun on Tuesday, June 11 at 6 p.m. to observe Tikkun Ley’l Shavuot with us, along with event partners Keneseth Israel and Chabad of Kentucky.
We’ll start the evening with “King David’s Birthday: Tribute or Roast,” a presentation by Ari Lesser. Ari is a singer, songwriter, rapper, and spoken word artist from Cleveland who has performed all over the world, and written hundreds of songs on a wide range of subjects. Ari’s repertoire is expansive, touching on everything from politics, to religion, to animals. We’ll also hear from his wife, Emunah Al Mansoori, a Bahraini Muslim who converted to Orthodox Judaism.
From 7:30-8:30 p.m., Rabbi Avrohom Litvin and Rabbi Ben Freed will conduct the trial of King David. The service will be at 8:30 p.m. followed by a delicious dairy meal and cheesecake. Then everyone is invited to study until the clock strikes midnight.
The event is free but dinner reservations are requested HERE.
This event is underwritten by the Jewish Heritage Fund Endowment and the Sally Younger & Peter Pearlman Chesed Fund.
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